[vc_row bg_type=”image” parallax_style=”vcpb-default” bg_image_new=”173|http://www.campshamrock.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/sky1.jpg” bg_image_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_override=”ex-full” parallax_content=”parallax_content_value” parallax_content_sense=”60″ fadeout_row=”fadeout_row_value” fadeout_start_effect=”70″ enable_overlay=”enable_overlay_value” overlay_color=”#1e73be” seperator_enable=”seperator_enable_value” seperator_type=”xlarge_triangle_seperator” seperator_position=”bottom_seperator” ult_hide_row=”ult_hide_row_value” ult_hide_row_mobile=”mobile” ult_hide_row_mobile_large=”xl_mobile” css=”.vc_custom_1435328272128{padding-top: 100px !important;padding-bottom: 200px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1435147686112{padding-top: 100px !important;padding-right: 250px !important;padding-bottom: 60px !important;padding-left: 250px !important;}”][ult_animation_block animation=”pulse” animation_duration=”.5″ animation_delay=”.5″ animation_iteration_count=”1″][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Guestbook Archives” main_heading_color=”#ffffff” sub_heading_color=”#ffffff” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Seaweed Script|font_call:Seaweed+Script” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:100px;tablet:80px;tablet_portrait:80px;mobile_landscape:40px;mobile:40px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:100px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway|variant:500″ sub_heading_style=”font-weight:500;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;tablet:20px;tablet_portrait:20px;mobile_landscape:18px;mobile:18px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:30px;”]Read guest entries through the years[/ultimate_heading][/ult_animation_block][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]<< Return to Guestbook[/vc_column_text][ultimate_heading main_heading=”2008 – 2009″ alignment=”left” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Raleway|font_call:Raleway|variant:500″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:500;” main_heading_margin=”margin-bottom:15px;”][/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text css_animation=”top-to-bottom”]
Name: Nicky Browne
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: im_in_rehab@hotmail.co.uk
Message:Woo Woo…camp on monday AHHHHHHHHHHHH can’t wait =]
Date Entered: 4 July, 2008
Name: rosie
Country: coleraine
Email: preston.pig.123@hotmail.co.uk
Message:cant wait 2 camp leighnn my little sis is comin this year c u soon!!!!!!!!!!
Date Entered: 5 July, 2008
Name: ciara mullan
Country: ireland
Email: c-i-a-r-a-@hotmail.com
Message:hello my name is ciara mullan and i have been attending camp for 1 year and i have enjoyed it so muck that have invited 2 of my other friends to come allong … x
Date Entered: 10 July, 2008
Name: Vicki Allen
Country: Scotland
Email: karenvickiallen@btinternet.com
Message:Hi, I didn’t know the Church of Christ has a camp in Northern Ireland. I want to bring my kids next year! Can I sign up for newsletters or anything??? :o)
Date Entered: 22 July, 2008
Name: Nicky Browne
Country: northern Ireland
Email: im_in_rehab@hotmail.co.uk
Message:Boys camp 08 was beyond awesome, as expected!! 10 years of camp and it just keep gettin better =] And well done to tom (Protien) on winning Mr. Camp shamrock, am well proud!
Date Entered: 25 July, 2008
Name: Jessica Brown
Country: N.Ireland
Message:Hey evry1 !! aaaaah!! i’m soooooo depressed!! i haven’t stopped cryin since i came home frm camp coz i miss it so much lol!! 🙁 this year definately has 2 be the best year for me, so far!! miss ppl sooooo much!! luv u all!! xoxoxoxo
Date Entered: 26 July, 2008
Name: b-rad
Country: usa
Email: info@ bradward.net
Message:If anyone has photos of camp that you would like to put on the website, please email them to me.
Date Entered: 28 July, 2008
Name: Your Name
Country: Your Country
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:Your Message
Date Entered: 29 July, 2008
Name: Your Name
Country: Your Country
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:Your Message
Date Entered: 29 July, 2008
Name: anna
Country: ireland
Email: huney.cone@hotmail.co.uk
Message:i loved camp this year!!(2008) i can’t wait until nxt year! i got to c all my friends frm the past years and i got to make new friends. well done hannah 4 getting miss camp shamrock!! i loved my 3 councilers this year, liz(she rocks), amy(lots of hugs)and alison(really really kind and very caring) tnxs!!! p.s alison, thank you 4 pulling me into the tent the last few days!!
Date Entered: 31 July, 2008
Name: Kheva
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: chocohilac22@hotmail.com
Message:Hey Guys Hope You All Had A Great Time At Camp This Year. I Did Cant Wait Untill Next Year And Stephanie And Beth Better Come Bye Xoxox
Date Entered: 4 August, 2008
Name: Jessica Brown
Country: N.Ireland
Message:Oh…My…Gosh!! i was just lookin’ at the photos from previous years and they are hilarious!! people were sooo funny lookin’ back then!! HAHA!! everyone looks so different!! xoxo
Date Entered: 4 August, 2008
Name: Nicky Browne
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: im_in_rehab@hotmail.co.uk
Message:B-rad i got loads of pic’s from boys camp on my bebo.. my email isn’t workin..so ya can get them from there if ya want..
Date Entered: 5 August, 2008
Name: Jessica Brown
Country: N.Ireland
Message:Hey again!! Forgot to say well done to Hannah on getting Miss Camp Shamrock cause she really deserved it !! I miss you Hannah !! xoxoxoxo
Date Entered: 6 August, 2008
Name: Jessica Brown
Country: N.Ireland
Message:At a time like this, *clap clap*, *stamp stamp*, tweet tweet, woo woo, hey uh, pizza pizza, good corn, tall wheat, awoooooooogaaa!! At a time like this, *clap clap*, *stamp stamp*, tweet tweet, woo woo, hey uh, pizza pizza, good corn, tall wheat, awoooooooogaaa!! At a time like this WOO-OH-OH!! i need the Lord to HELP me!! so tempted to do this…so i did!! 😀
Date Entered: 6 August, 2008
Name: robert johnston
Country: co tyrone
Email: miss73wall@yahoo.co.uk
Message:i loved this place
Date Entered: 6 August, 2008
Name: Jason Toombs
Country: USA
Email: screamingflea2@gmail.com
Message:Just wanted to say hello… and thanks for the memories from 16 years ago! I still tell stories from that year, and have incredible memories and much love for all of you I knew back then. I think daily of you, and remember you in my prayers. Perhaps some day the Lord will allow me back to that people and place I love so much.
Date Entered: 9 August, 2008
Name: ME
Country: NI
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:caMP WAS GREAT
Date Entered: 30 August, 2008
Name: tiffany tripp
Country: ireland
Email: animal-lovers@live.co.uk
Message:i heard of camp shamrock why i was camping at tullymore forest park i am going in 2009 it will be my first time i can’t wait
Date Entered: 11 September, 2008
Name: Caroline McLean (nee Shaw)
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: caroline.mclean1@btinternet.com
Message:Hi all. I used to go to camp in the late 80’s early 90’s. Hi Lynette, Sheba, Pat, Bert etc. Lynette remember Sam Beard does any one ever hear from the Beards’ I was in touch about 6yrs ago just before I had Stacie.
Date Entered: 19 September, 2008
Name: Caroline McLean (nee Shaw)
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: caroline.mclean1@btinternet.com
Message:Hi Bert. How are you Lynette how is Stuart? Does anyone ever hear from Sam Beard? I did about 6yrs ago just before I had Stacie and haven’t heard anything since…
Date Entered: 19 September, 2008
Name: Your Name
Country: Your Country
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:Hi Caroline, hereis Sams mums, Anitias address. MAWBeard@comcast.net I think Sam joined the U.S. navy. Thanks for visitng the web site. Love Bert
Date Entered: 20 September, 2008
Name: rosie
Country: ni
Email: preston.pig.123@hotmail.co.uk
Message:heyy im in skool now so dont have much time!!! camp was great this year luv ya bi xxxxxxxxxxx
Date Entered: 23 September, 2008
Name: Sheba
Country: NI
Message:Hi Caroline – good to hear from you. Lynette is now happily married to Peter Maguire (you probably remember his sisters Claire and Deborah from camp) Stuart is long gone! Hope the site brings back happy memories :o)
Date Entered: 30 September, 2008
Name: Brap
Country: NI
Email: brap
Date Entered: 6 November, 2008
Name: ian wright
Country: northern ireland
Email: Billywrightcfc@hotmail.co.uk
Message:the pic with the tarzan,s thats me on the far left with the glass,s on
Date Entered: 9 December, 2008
Name: Grady and Sharon Troute
Country: USA
Email: stroute@cinci.rr.com
Message:We just learned of Alex McGuiggan’s death and want to extend our sincere sympathy. We have long known and loved Ed and Margaret and Jim and Ethel. We are saddened by your loss.
Date Entered: 29 December, 2008
Country: NI
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:The Directors of Camp Shamrock extend their condolences to the family of Alex McGuiggan aged 72 – uncle of our colleague Alex who passed away on Saturday. His wife Ann and children Billy, Ian, Stuart, Neil and Julie are in our prayers.
Date Entered: 30 December, 2008
Name: Kheva
Country: N.I
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:Heey.. Cant wait untill camp !!
Date Entered: 1 February, 2009
Name: Fred Abraham
Country: Harare, Zimbabwe
Email: fredabraham2003@yahoo.ca
Message:Hope you are all doing well. Its now time to put your program for this year. Please put camp shamrock first in the month of July. Its always my wish to come for camp each year. Camp means a lot to me and have made loads of friends there. If l won’t make it this year, remember that l will be praying for you. Make an effort to invite a friend this year.
Date Entered: 19 February, 2009
Name: Ryan Cullen
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: ryan_cullen@btinternet.com
Message:Can’t wait for camp 2009.It will be my 3rd year..
Date Entered: 1 March, 2009
Name: Ryan Cullen
Country: N.Ireland
Email: ryan22cullen@btinternet.com
Message:Hello everyone,i can’t wait for camp 2009 as it will be my 3rd year.
Date Entered: 2 March, 2009
Name: Lucy
Country: Portugal
Email: lucianasousa7@gmail.com
Message:Hello! This year I started an album with old photos. I was in Camp Shamrock in August 1993. I´d really love to find some people I met… Sarah Young, Elise McClure, Kelly…
Date Entered: 10 March, 2009
Name: sheba
Country: ni
Message:lucy – i remember you! i have a picture of you and sarah together in the cook shack. I’ll try to hoak it out and get it on the site ok? Sheba
Date Entered: 12 March, 2009
Name: Lucy
Country: Portugal
Email: lucianasousa7@gmail.com
Message:Hi Sheeba!!! I’m delighted you answered me and remember me as well… I hope you are well!!! I really loved to be in camp, there were times I’ll never forget. Now I’m arranging my photo albums and I tried to establish contact with all the people I left behind. If you find that photograph you have, please I’ll be very happy to have it!!! Please put on the site!!! I’ll be here almost every day, looking at the site, trying to find old people too. Love from Lucy!
Date Entered: 12 March, 2009
Name: Blane McNab
Country: Northern Ireland, Bangor
Email: Ccolinmcnab@aol.com
Message:Heya, im blane iv been goin 2 Camp Shamrock 4 lyk 5 yrs or somting lyk dat. its da best n dats y iv been going all those years. i just wana say a big hey 2 evry1 dat goes !! =]
Date Entered: 13 March, 2009
Name: Ashley
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: ashleylkane@googlemail.com
Message:Please can you put up da forms for camp 2009 soon please Cant Wait Lol Bringin 2 people wof me dis year goin to be some craic lik lol Cant Wait Till i See LAVONDA !!!!!! Love Dat Girl Hehe Please |Soon| =] X.x.xX
Date Entered: 23 March, 2009
Name: Caroline
Country: N Ireland
Email: caroline.mclean1@btinternet.com
Message:any one able to tell me when girls camp is this year as if i am off i was thinking of bringing stacie down to see you all….
Date Entered: 23 March, 2009
Name: sheba
Country: Your Country
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:Ashley – the forms are being changed this year and we will have them on the website shortly for you. Keep in touch ok? Caroline the boys camp runs from July 6th to 14th and girls is from 16th to 24th July ok?
Date Entered: 24 March, 2009
Name: Lavonda
Country: USA
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:I will be there this year looking forward to seeing you too Ashley!
Date Entered: 25 March, 2009
Name: Jonathan Wilson
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: ronmaryjonathan3@yahoo.co.uk
Message:Looking Forward to camp Shamrock 2009
Date Entered: 29 March, 2009
Name: David Montgomery
Country: N.Ireland
Email: David485@btinternet.com
Message:Excellent Site.
Date Entered: 31 March, 2009
Name: rodney stirlin
Country: ni
Email: rstirling@hotmail.com
Message:well its ben 13 years sinse i ben to camp any chance i come back ???
Date Entered: 1 April, 2009
Name: Your Name
Country: Your Country
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:Camp Shamrock is da best plz cum it is so much fun.
Date Entered: 1 April, 2009
Name: Pat Williams
Country: United States
Email: eui-Williams0700@damailbox.com
Message:I found some good ideas on your site.
Date Entered: 2 April, 2009
Name: Ashley
Country: Kane
Email: ashleylkane@googlemail.com
Message:Awwww Thanks Sheba Lol Cant Wait Lol . . . . Lavonda Girl Cant Wait Ta See Yh Have Another Vinager Session Wif Yh hahahhaha Member Dat Hahaha . . . . Funny Stuff Lak Hehe . . Well See Yh All very very very Soon Bye X.x.x.X P.S Lets Hope Rachel aint Der Dis Year >:( Lol . P.S.S Demi Comin Dis Year Tooo Yay . . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date Entered: 2 April, 2009
Name: Bert Ritchie
Country: Ireland
Email: rritchie@utvinternet.com
Message:Kids! A wee note from the directors. It looks like camp is going to be heavily booked this year. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU GET YOUR APPLICATION FORMS FILLED IN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO BE ASSURED OF A PLACE. THIS IS NOT HOMEWORK, SO DON’T PUT IT OFF UNTIL LATER. Hope you all have had a good year. Bert
Date Entered: 3 April, 2009
Name: Ashley
Country: Northern Ireland
Message:Yay have My Form Sendin It Soon As Possible Hehehehe Cant Wait Yayayayayay
Date Entered: 19 April, 2009
Name: Sheba
Country: Your Country
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:glad to hear it ashley. look forward to seeing you. LV comes 1st June and will be staying with me. Let me know if you want to meet up with her before hand ok?
Date Entered: 20 April, 2009
Name: tara
Country: england
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:this place looks well cool! 🙂
Date Entered: 21 April, 2009
Name: frederika machala
Country: northern ireland
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:heya u guys After A year im finally going to get to come back to camp and see all use guys again. cant wait its going to be great. and i have to say camp shamrock is one of the most enjoyable camps ive been to. no scrap that the BEST. IM A BIG KID T HEART! X
Date Entered: 1 May, 2009
Name: Georgie Letters
Country: Colerain
Email: georgiexox@hotmail.co.uk
Message:Hiya Am Georgie Letters And Could ii Please Join The CampShamRock . . Darragh Falconner Wanted Me To Come Its Sounds So Much Fun . . And ii Wud Be Disapointed If ii Didnt Get Though :/ Writeee Baacckkk Xox
Date Entered: 12 May, 2009
Name: Fred Abraham
Country: Zimbabwe
Email: fredabraham2003@yahoo.ca
Message:It seems like camp is going to be more fun this year. Please get your form sent as soon as possible. As Bert said, it looks like more people are coming and bringing a friend. If l won’t make it this year, know that you will be in my prayers. Fred (Black Irishman)
Date Entered: 13 May, 2009
Name: eden
Country: northern ireland
Email: Your Email (optional)
Message:hiyaa…i mite be comin dis year but i mit not coz i mite be goin 2 america…sozz byee P.S and if i do come im bringng loads of friends from my class at skul! 😀
Date Entered: 31 May, 2009
Name: mark and debbie montgomery
Country: n.ireland
Message:gareth gavin mc lean have fun at camp 09
Date Entered: 13 June, 2009
Name: Amy Lindsay
Country: Northern Ireland
Email: Your Email (optional)
Date Entered: 23 June, 2009
End July 2009
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